Our Policies

We take your privacy very seriously and will not share any information about you with another party without your express permission. This includes automatically gathered data such as email addresses, browser cookies, and IP addresses. It also includes any information submitted via an electronic form such as name, address, and phone number. If you believe that your information has been compromised in any way by your use of this web site, please email [email protected] immediately. We will work to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Personal Information​

Essentially when you visit our website and access information you basically remain anonymous. Our website may require registration to access, although typically all that’s requested is an e-mail address and other basic information, such as vacation rental preferences. There are occasions when our will require additional information. We do this to be able to better understand your needs and provide you with services that we believe may be valuable to you.

Securing Your Privacy

We will not disclose any of your personal information to other companies or individuals without your permission. We will protect the quality and integrity of your personally identifiable information. We have implemented appropriate procedures to maintain information that is accurate and complete. We will make a sincere effort to respond to your requests to correct personal information inaccuracies in a timely manner. We will take appropriate steps to protect your privacy. Whenever you provide sensitive information (for example, a credit card number), we will take reasonable steps to protect it, such as encrypting your card number. We will also take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information in storage. We only use credit card numbers for payment processing and are not retained for marketing purposes. Your personal information will only be used by us. However, we may need to provide your name and delivery address to third parties that we use for the purposes of delivering specific services to you (e.g., third party vendors, suppliers customer support, etc.) Our websites may provide links to third party sites. Since we do not control those websites, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of these third-party sites. We will also disclose personal information when required by law, in response to any demand by law enforcement or other appropriate government authorities, or if the personal information is pertinent in a legal proceeding or court action.

Use of Cookies

Our websites use cookies for various reasons. Cookies enable us to provide you with a better experience by allowing us to understand what areas of the website are of interest to our visitors. These cookies do not track individual information. We also use cookies when you register for one of our web programs. In this situation, a cookie will store useful information that enables our website to remember you when you return to visit us. Cookies from our website can only be read by our website. If you do not wish to receive these cookies, you may set your browser to reject the cookies (consult the instructions for your browser on how to do this). You will still be able to access most of our website.


Salt Coast Host may use your information and location to remarket to you in the future using a 3rd party sites, Google.com with ads based on your past visits to our website. You may opt-out of this remarketing option and use of your cookies by visiting the Ad Preference Manager on Google. We will not share any of your personal contact information with any other companies unless expressly permitted.

Data Storage

Many of our websites that collect information will store and process that information in databases in the United States, Canada, and other countries. We will also take reasonable security measures to protect all information stored in these databases.

Changes in our Privacy Policy?

From time to time, we may elect to change or update its privacy policy. If the policy has changes, this page will be updated. You will not be provided with any other notice of such changes. Please check this page to see if there have been any changes. Please contact us at [email protected] or 252-228-9083.


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